
Advantages and disadvantages of building a wall astride the boundary.

Advantages and disadvantages of building a wall astride the boundary.

Wednesday 5th May 2021
Lea Streat BSc (Hons)

Building a new wall astride the boundary is the construction of a new party wall and/or party fence wall. This wall will sit equally astride the boundary.

There are many advantages to building a shared party wall astride the boundary, such as;

1. For the Building Owners it gives them the ability to maximise the floor within the extension being constructed;
2. The Adjoining Owners' and their successors in title have the ability to enclose upon the new party wall at any point in time;
3. The Adjoining Owners at the point of enclosing, will have to pay the Building Owners 50% of the construction costs of that wall (but only at the time of enclosure);
4. And where a party wall has been constructed, the weathering detail between the two extensions will be tidier and more visually appealing.

The disadvantages of constructing a shared party wall astride the boundary are as follows;

1. Adjoining Owners can be worried about potential sound transmissions between the future extensions;
2. The Adjoining Owners may never enclose upon the wall and therefore will never bear the costs for enclosure;
3. And to build a wall astride the boundary requires written consent from the Adjoining Owners. If consent is not given, a wall must be built on the line of junction wholly on the Building Owners' land.

Overall, a party wall built astride the boundary has its benefits and disadvantages to both the Adjoining Owners and the Building Owners. It is something that should be considered as an option when you are looking to start a project.